Riley enjoying homemade baby food

Riley enjoying homemade baby food

Veggie Baby Bloom is a joint effort by Danielle Conklin and Scott Knighton. It was inspired by Riley.

Danielle Conklin
is a long-time vegetarian. (In fact, she celebrated her 10-year vegiversary in December 2013!) She is a graduate of Saint Michael’s College in Vermont and holds a master’s degree from Simmons College in Boston. Danielle is an independent information professional and owner of Cotton Gloves Research. She has used her many years of experience as a professional researcher to find and examine the best resources on vegan/vegetarian cuisine and healthy living. Danielle says:

Now that I’m a working mother, the quest for easy, nutrient-dense, family-friendly vegetarian dishes is a central focus. As I continually gather new recipes and health resources, I think it’s important to share what I’ve discovered with other like-minded parents.

Scott Knighton
is a medic in the United States Air Force and a student of applied science. His interests include kinesiology and dietetics. Working in pediatrics and family practice in a clinical setting has encouraged him to explore healthful eating habits for families, including his own. Scott says:

Working in healthcare has made me realize that the answer isn’t always in modern medicine. The foundation to good health lies in proper nutrition. CDC data shows that obesity in children has more than doubled in the last three decades. That was my call to action.

Mission Statement: Our goal is to encourage families to nourish their children with vitamin-rich, protein-packed plant based foods. Let’s fill our babies’ bellies with veggies and watch them bloom!